Didgeridoo Dojo Launches




Here it is! Years of didgeridoo learning, captured on video and available to you in simple, easy to follow lessons.

These didgeridoo lessons will fast-track your didgeridoo playing and will have you sounding fantastic in no time.

Each didgeridoo lesson is like your own private one-on-one class. One of us, with you, sitting down, learning a new didgeridoo technique.

All the lessons are organized so you can learn at your own pace and move onto the next lesson when you are ready.

We know you will enjoy your didge journey on Didgeridoo Dojo… whether it’s learning to play your very first sound, or mastering advanced and super complicated rhythms.

Pick up your didgeridoo, head to www.didgeridoodojo.com, get your free account and lets go!

The Didgeridoo Dojo Team

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Hi, I’m Sanshi….

SanshiI'm Sanshi and this is Didgeridoo Dojo - the most comprehensive "Learn to Play Didgeridoo" resource on the planet!

We currently have over 500 minutes of premium videos for beginners right through to advanced didgeridoo players.

Make sure you signup for your free trial account on the Homepage & if you're in need of some new Didgeridoo gear, head over to Didgeridoo Breath, our didgeridoo store based in Fremantle, Western Australia.

Lastly if there's anything I can do for you please email me at [email protected]

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