Troubleshooting Your Jaw Harp Sound (3 of 9)

NOTE:The first 3 lessons in this set are available completely free of charge. You can the full set with a full membership.

Lesson overview

In this lesson, Sanshi will teach you how to troubleshoot a Jews Harp and find out why you are not making any sound.

Lesson goals

  • Be able to troubleshoot your Jews Harp when it’s not making a sound

Training tips

  • One factor why the Jews Harp is not making a sound is because you are holding the Reed. Holding the reed prevents it from vibrating which creates the sound when you are plucking.
  • Second thing is that your teeth might be closed preventing the vibrating sound of the Reed go in and out of your mouth. The teeth should be slightly open when you’re playing the Jews Harp.
  • Another factor that mutes the Jews Harp is when you’re biting the frame which prevents the reed to vibrate. Make sure to close your lips slightly enough to hold the Jews Harp.
  • The last thing that makes the Jews Harp quiet is when your mouth doesn’t resonate enough because it is not hollow. Make sure to put in some air inside your mouth and make it hollow enough to make a resonating sound on your Jews Harp.

Give it a try, let us know how you go and if you get stuck, post a question in the comments section below

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