Beatboxing Lesson 3 of 16

  • Didgeridoo Beatboxing

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Lesson overview

In this lesson Nathan will be slowing things down a little bit to help you really understand the “buns and beaches” technique. Starting at about half speed, things are going to get progressively faster until you are back up at normal speed, with a full grasp of the technique. Then it is time to try it out on the didgeridoo again.

Lesson goals

  • Perfect your “buns and beaches” rhythm at a slowed down pace
  • Gradually increase your speed until you are able to perform you “buns and beaches” rhythm faster than the normal tempo
  • Try out the “buns and beaches” technique again on your didgeridoo once you are ready to do so

Training tips

  • Remember to breathe through your nose at just the right times like you learned in the last lesson
  • Even though practicing the technique slowly is a great way to get a feel for it, it is much harder to perform slowly on the didgeridoo. If you are having trouble with your “buns and beaches” rhythm on the didgeridoo but were doing fine on your own, try speeding it up
  • If you have a microphone handy, it might be worth it to plug it in to help you really hear the sound coming from your didgeridoo
  • If you are still having trouble with this step, feel free to keep practicing it over and over before moving on to the next lesson. The next lesson will only prove to be more difficult if you have yet to master this one

Were you able to get the techniques in this lesson mastered? Tell us about your experience in the comments section below

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