Bounce breath
Lesson overview
In this lesson we show you a new circular breathing technique, called bounce breathing. This technique allows you to breathe faster and will open up a whole new world in rhythm playing. Bounce breathing allows you to focus on the rhythm, not the breath.
Lesson goals
- Play a controlled drone while taking short, sharp bounce breath pulses
- Speed up your bounce breathing
- Control your sniff in, so you maintain a comfortable lungful of air
Training tips
- Practice the “Ha-Breath” action without your didgeridoo until it is easy
- It’s important that the in-breath happens immediately after the pulse to make the most of the diaphragm drop/breath in combination. It should become the “one technique”
- Try to take the smallest sniff in, so you don’t get too full of air
- Eventually you will get so comfortable with this technique that all you’ll need to focus on is doing a diaphragm pulse… and your breath will happen automatically. With this exciting breakthrough, you won’t have to think about breathing anymore, you can focus on your pulsing rhythms!
Give it a try, let us know how you go and if you get stuck, post a question in the comments section below
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