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In this video we show you the building blocks for playing didgeridoo rhythms.We show you how we write, speak and play the rhythms we will teach you
Rhythm pronounced: ajuda (B) ajuda (B) This is an excellent rhythm to practice your circular breathing and get you comfortable with playing rhythms
Rhythm pronounced: wee or (B) wee or (B) Time to bring in some sound changes you learned in Tongue & Mouth Shapes
Rhythm pronounced: dar (B) dee (B) Another great rhythm using sound changes you learned in Tongue & Mouth Shapes
Rhythm pronounced: didgeridoo (B) Another great rhythm using sound changes you learned in Tongue & Mouth Shapes
Rhythm pronounced: dar dar (B) dee dee (B) Getting a little more difficult now. This rhythm sounds brilliant, especially when played faster
Rhythm pronounced: dar dar (B) HOWL (B) 3 techniques to deal with now... tongue & mouth shapes, vocals and circular breathing. Good luck!
Rhythm pronounced: ha ha hee ha ha (B) This is one of our favourite rhythms... even after playing for many years!
Rhythm pronounced: dee (B) ha ha (B)
Rhythm pronounced: he he (B) dar (B)
Rhythm pronounced: a e (B) e u (B)
Rhythm pronounced: koo kar (B) tongue roll (B)
Rhythm pronounced: GA GA-GA wee or (B)
Rhythm pronounced: adidda (B) adurra (B)
Rhythm pronounced: ajuda (B) ajuda GA
Rhythm pronounced: wee (B) wee or wee (B)