Papa Mumma Extreme

Lesson overview

In this lesson, Koji will teach us the Papa Mumma Extreme technique on a didgeridoo

Lesson goals

  • Be able to produce a much extreme “papa–mumma” rhythm on a didgeridoo

Training tips

  • In this lesson, we will still use the same Papa Mumma technique, but we will be adding another beat by making a ticking sound using your tongue.
  • To create the ticking sound, you simply put in your tongue on your upper jaw, suck in air, then release the sound by dropping your jaw.
  • Just add this tongue technique to you papa mama technique
  • Try to also add another beat “ do–poop–pa–pffft
  • You simply add the tongue beat after the 4 syllable rhythm
  • Try making the sounds without the didgeridoo and in a faster way
  • You can also create your own variations
  • Practice producing the sounds on a didgeridoo

Give it a try, let us know how you go and if you get stuck, post a question in the comments section below